Interviews and talks available in English:

Introduction to the ATTAC seminar The New Budgetary Discipline in the EU, Chair of Attac Finland, “Professor Heikki Patomäki discusses the current problems and future prospects of the European Union in his opening remarks to the seminar The New Budgetary Discipline in the EU”, organised by Attac, at the Visitor’s Centre of the Finnish Parliament. Published on 12 March 2012.

“From the Eurocrisis to a Global New Deal: Interview with Heikki Patomaki” (openEconomy / openDemocracy interview published online in July 2013).

“Professor Patomäki: ‘There Are Good Reasons to Expect that the Neoliberal Era is Coming to an End’” (Eurocrisis in Press/LSE interview published online in August 2013).

“From the ‘Social Dimension’ to European Social/Democracy and Beyond” (summary of my talk at the October 2013 conference organized by the European Commission).

“Patomaki – Manifiesto por una Democracia Global PARIS”, presentación del Manifiesto por una Democracia Global 30 de Enero 2014 – Sciences Po de París. My talk in English, recorded at Science Po in Paris on 30 January 2014 (published 13.2.2014).

“Grexit is not Good for the European Union as a Whole” (Interview for the Efimerida Ton Syntakton newspaper, Athens, Greece, published 17 April 2015).

”Contradictions of the EMU”, slides of the presentation on 4 May 2015 and related photos available of the European Economic and Social Council Public Hearing in Brussels, Belgium, entitled ”For a democratic and social EMU within the framework of the community method”.

”EU’s Neighbourhood Policy, Russia, and the Conflict in Ukraine”, presentation 10.12.2015 in the GUE-NGL conference ”PEACE in the southern and eastern neighbourhood” 10 & 11 December 2015 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. A written blog-version is available here.

“On the Constitution of Corporate Power: What Is to Be Done?”, presentation 20.2.2016 at the Plan B conference in Madrid, Spain, workshop 1: How to regulate transnational corporations, put an end to fraud, tax havens, and the power of lobbies?.

“Climate Change and its Effects on Global Industrial Civilization: What’s Next?”, a joint interview 7.10.2016 with Graciela Chichilnisky and Heikki Patomaki, interviewed by Marcus Rolle and C.J. Polychroniou, Global Policy.

“A Common European Corporate Tax: Political and Policy Considerations”, slides of a presentation in a workshop of the S&D group of the European Parliament on 7 March 2017.

“Commodification in Higher Education: The Old University Law of 2009 and the New University Law 2020”, slides of a presentation in the plenary panel of the Annual Conference of the Finnish Political Science Association in Jyväskylä on 9 March 2017 (summarising the key arguments of a recent book I co-authored with three colleagues from Law, Economics and Medicine respectively). Here is also a photo of the occasion.

“Common Budget and the Future of the EU”, slides of my presentation at the “Building the Progressive Future Together” event organized by the S&D group in the European Parliament, at the Square “Golden Hall”, Brussels, on 18-19 October 2017 (workshop “Financial solutions for a new budget and a new Europe”, chaired by Isabelle Thomas, S&D Group Vice-President).

“On the Conditions of Social Europe: Upward Convergence, Full Fiscal Capacity and Social Redistribution”, slides of  a presentation at the “Social Union in Europe” event in Budapest (Kossuth Klub) organized by Millennium Intézet & Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest, on 30 November 2017.

“The World in a State of Disintegration?”, an Interview 10.4.2018 by C. J. Polychroniou, Global Policy and other e-media.

“On the Future of the Left: A Global Perspective”. Although my participation in the conference in Belgrade, Serbia 29.-30.11.2018 never happened because of a bicycle accident, my paper came eventually out in I.Ristić (ed.) Resetting The Left In Europe. Challenges, Attempts and Obstacles. ISS (Institute of Social Sciences): Belgrade, 2021, pp.54-85. The book as a whole is freely available here.

“World Political Party”, slides of a presentation at The Left Dialogue Forum 13-14 March 2020, Harare, Pretoria, South Africa (remote presentation). See also my “A World Political Party: The Time Has Come”, GTI essay, February 2019, available here. Republished by OpenDemocracy in March 2019 (here).

“Scales of Time and Human Freedom in World History: A Personal Account”, a talk given on 6 April 2021 at the International Studies Association panel “honoring Heikki Patomäki, the 2021 Outstanding Activist Scholar awardee. The International Political Economy section of the ISA created the Outstanding Activist Scholar award to recognize truly exemplary individuals who bridge academia and activism. The awardee must have a record of writing that is used and recognized within the academic community but must also move beyond academia into activism.”

“The Eurozone and Other Currency Arrangements in a Global Economy”, a discussion between Bill Mitchell and Heikki Patomäki on 2.10.2021 organised by Attac Finland, available on Youtube.

“Altering the Course of Global Climate Policy”, slides of a presentation at the online Global Forum on Democratizing Work conference 5-7 October 2021 (the session as a whole is available on Youtube, though the technical quality of the recording is poor).

“Is NATO membership a good idea for Finland?” This article including two interviews (Jussi Lassila and me) is in Dutch and was published on 25 March 2022 in Trouw, a Dutch newspaper.

“We need better global institutions – the war in Ukraine is a symptom of deeper problems”, GPC-programme interview 25 March 2022.

“Russia is engaged in a counterproductive war”. This interview was published on 8 April 2022 in German by the news network Ippen Media (includes sites such as (Frankfurter Rundschau), (Hessische Niedersächsische Allgemeine), (Münchner Merkur) and many more). The published version can be found online and in German for example here and here. The original text in English is available here.

“La Finlandia nella Nato è un errore e un pericolo” [Finland in NATO is a mistake and danger]. An interview published by the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto on 23 April 2022. You can read the original somewhat longer version in English here and its translation into Finnish here.

“Suecia y Finlandia, a un paso de iniciar el camino para entrar en la OTAN empujadas por la amenaza de Rusia” [Sweden and Finland, one step away from starting the path to join NATO pushed by the threat of Russia]. One of the interviewees in an analysis published by the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation RTVE on 30 April 2022 (the original live interview was conducted in English).

“Senior academic in Finland opposes NATO bid”, Australia Broadcasting Corporations News (Radio) on 16 May 2022.

“NATO Membership May Spell the End of Finland and Sweden as Social Democracies”, an interview by C.J. Polychroniou published in Thruthout on 12 June 2022 (also in Rosenberg Quarterly [here], International Affairs Forum [here], Global Policy [here], and other places; as well in Spanish in Bitácora on 11 July 2022 here).

“World Politics, Critical Realism and the Future of Humanity: An Interview with Heikki Patomäki, Part 1”, Journal of Critical Realism, pp. 1-42, online first 28 Mar 2023, [Part 1 covers main ideas and works from the late 1980s to 2006, with emphasis on the development of critical realism and global political economy.

“World Politics, Critical Realism and the Future of Humanity: An Interview with Heikki Patomäki, Part 2”, Journal of Critical Realism, pp. 1-47, online first 30 Mar 2023, [Part 2 covers ideas and works since the global financial crisis, with emphasis on counterfactuals, futures studies, and the implications of scenario A].

“Critical Realism & Cosmopolitanism, Alien Peace, Neo Imperialism, Ukraine”, a wide-ranging interview by Josef Mühlbauer from the Varna Peace Institute in Vienna (VIPR) covering a lot of ground, published on 11 Aug 2023 at

“Hevder Putin og Russland «demoniseres»: – En alvorlig tabbe” [Claims Putin and Russia are being ‘demonised’: – A serious mistake”], an interview with comments by two Norwegian researchers published in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen on 6 October 2023.

“Face à la menace russe, le virage vers l’ouest de la Finlande” [In the face of the Russian threat, Finland’s shift to the west], Mediapart report in France that includes, among other things, a short interview with me, 1 March 2024.

“Tension and Unease for Russians in Finland Amid Border Shutdown”, Moscow Times report that includes, among other things, a short interview with me, 9 March 2024.

“EuroMemo Group Statement – German decisions in violation of the basic principles of the EU”, Podcast of VIPR – Varna Peace Institute, with Josef Mühlbauer, 24 October 2024.

“The Future of Global Governance: Exploring World Statehood (Part One)”, Visions of a Better World by Global Visions (“in this episode, we sit down with Professor Heikki Patomäki from the University of Helsinki to discuss his latest book, World Statehood: The Future of World Politics“), 3 January 2025.

“Exploring global governance – a discussion of world statehood and humanity’s future”, presentations on Torbjörn Tännsjö’s From Despotism to Democracy: How a World Government Can Save Humanity and Heikki Patomäki’s World Statehood: The Future of World Politics, comments by Martti Koskenniemi, 16 January 2025 at the University of Helsinki, YouTube recording available here.

“Brengt vrede in Oekraïne een Russische aanval op de Navo dichterbij?”[Does peace in Ukraine bring a Russian attack on NATO closer?], De Standaard (a Flemish daily newspaper published in Belgium) article that includes an interview with me, 27 January 2025.

“How to end the war in Ukraine? Discussion of concept proposals at Think Corner”, University of Helsinki 29 January 2025, presentations by H.Patomäki, J.Christensen and T.Kanninen, remote notes by S.Waslekar and B.Motta, YouTube recording available here.

“The Future of Global Governance (Part Two): A Possible World”, Visions of a Better World by Global Visions (“in this episode, we continue our discussion on Global Governance with Professor Heikki Patomäki and are also joined by Professor Teivo Teivainen”), 5 February 2025.